Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Balancing Life

I love being a wife and mother, but whew! These last few months I have had much harder time balancing everything...most days I feel like I'm just swimming...
-marriage with Phil
-working out
-motherhood with Ella
-hair clients, St. George/SLC
-personal devotions
-yard work
-down time... wait.. what is that?!?!
(not necessarily in order of importance)

A few weeks ago I sat down and created a schedule so I could have some sort of routine and goals. Then life happened.....Here is just a rough draft of what i created... i still am fine tuning it.. like now one of my friend's and I are working out 2 mornings a week...


-ella -mom -ella -mom -ella -mom -ella -mom -ella -mom
08:00:00 AM Wake up
wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up

08:30:00 AM


Chill in mom and dad's bed

09:00:00 AM Eat Breakfast
Eat Breakfast
Eat Breakfast
Eat Breakfast
Eat Breakfast

09:30:00 AM Nap Devotions Nap Devotions Nap Devotions Nap Devotions Nap

10:00:00 AM Nap Nap Nap Nap Nap Nap Nap Nap Nap

10:30:00 AM Nap Get Ready Nap Get Ready Nap Get Ready Nap Get Ready Nap CROCK POT!
11:00:00 AM Free Play CROK POT! Free Play Laundry Sing and Dance
Craft Time

11:30:00 AM Alone Play Fix lunch Alone Play Fix Lunch Alone Play
Alone Play

12:00:00 PM Park/Lunch Park/Lunch Park/Lunch Park/Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:30:00 PM


01:00:00 PM

01:30:00 PM

02:00:00 PM Nap Clean Kitchen Nap Laundry Nap Clean Master Nap Dust/Vacuum Nap

02:30:00 PM Nap Paper work Nap Clean Baths Nap
Nap Organize Nap

03:00:00 PM Nap mail cards Nap Laundry Nap Email Nap

03:30:00 PM Nap
Nap Paperwork Nap

04:00:00 PM Milk/Snack. Reading
Milk/Snack Reading
Milk/Snack Alone Read
Milk/Snack Reading

04:30:00 PM Alone Play Make Dinner Alone Play Make Dinner Go Outside
Go Outside

05:00:00 PM Play w/ Dad
Play w/ Dad Laundry Play w/ Dad Make Dinner Play w/ Dad Make Dinner

05:30:00 PM


06:00:00 PM Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

06:30:00 PM Family Time
Clean up dinner
Mom time Phil church Family Time

07:00:00 PM Bath
Small Group Small Group Bath


07:30:00 PM Bed


08:00:00 PM

08:30:00 PM

09:00:00 PM


09:30:00 PM

10:00:00 PM

MEALS Monday Crock pot Tuesday Pre-made Wednesday Homestyle Thursday Ethnic Friday Crock pot

craft time color paint cook puzzles mirror

outside time swing walk bike ride sand/water table
catch ball water play park

family time dance walk shower bike ride drive play room Hide & seek park fort building

daddy time

So.... I am wondering what my friend's are doing to keep on top of everything.
What systems do YOU have in place?
Please share!
Do you have a daily routine? Great meal planning tips? One day for laundry or a little every day? Mail filing system? I cannot stand my kitchen living room being cluttered... anytime... so most of the time the clutter ends up in our room... not so good

I did a few searches on trusty ol' google... and came up with a few cool ideas...

Here is a cool site on organizing mail and bills, 'wearenotmartha' had a few good ideas that i'm going to put in place... first things first... buy a cute organizer :)

Another neat meal planning site that I came across that seems to be published by Iowa State University got back to the basics... I liked their ideas for budget friendly entertaining. Also The focus on healthy meals

I haven't spent too much time looking at this site about setting up a cleaning routine.. but a site called 'household management 101' HAS to have some good ideas for me!

One more site i want o spend more time looking at and get some organizing ideas, Organized Home


abbey said...

You go girl! I find that when I have tried to set a schedule for myself I get off track and start to feel guilty about it. So I just try to do a little every day...and a lot of times just make a checklist for that day. chores to get done or errands to do. I usually do most of my laundry on one day, and try to do all my errands/grocery shopping for the week in one day. I do my weekly meal plan the day before I go shopping..it usually varies from week to week. But this summer we're joining a CSA so we'll be getting all our fresh produce in a box from a local farm! So i'll sort of meal plan around what we get that week. I'm excited to see how that works out. I know the summer will look different from the winter since we'll be outside a lot of the times going to the beach or botanical gardens or the zoo...so I'll probably allow more flexibility for us :) It's cool to see how you're organizing life and all the busyness. it always takes balance, rearranging and being flexible and asking the Lord how he wants you to prioritize during each season! proud of you girl! Phil and Ella are blessed to have you :)

RH said...

Melissa-you have a LOT on your plate-I never noticed how hard being a wife/mother was until I actually had Hailey. I have a lot on my plate but I think over the past few years I have managed to figure out some system... Since I am gone 12 hours a day that doesnt leave me much time at ALL.
-Friday I start planning my meals for the next week. Sunday I make a big enough dinner to freeze part and have enough left overs for another night during the week. I also precook if I can what I am going to make for dinner another night. 2 nights a week I do SIMPLE dinners (I.e. breakfast for dinner, grilled cheese, something fast).
I do all my laundry on Sundays because thats when I'm home. I set aside 2 or 3 days a month to pay all teh bills depending on when payday falls and usually it takes me just about 20 minutes each time since I pay almost everything online.
I used to stress so bad when I couldnt get to the gym but I decided to start buying things I can do at home like hand weights, bosu balls, weighted balls, jillian michaels dvds, jump rope, resistance bands and get a work out in at home at the time you have most energy so at least you know you did something productive! :)
I go grocery shopping every week and a half and try to really plan almost everything I need so I dont have to keep running back.
Green tea HELPS!
I know its bad but I dont sit down at night until everything is done or else I will not be able to get back up!