Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Raising a girl takes two parents:

A mom to show her how to be a woman.
A dad to show her how to be independent.
A dad's job is to make his daughter courageous
Fearless. To make her feel beautiful. To give
Her a sense of adventure. To make her feel
secure and confident.
The relationship between a dad and daughter is very simple:
She will love her father and trust him completely, forever.
Because he's her first love. Her first hero. The first man in her life.

This is the intro to, in my opinion, the BEST book for fathers on parenting their daughters. It is worth every penny. My dad applied many of the principles from this book and I am soo thankful to him for it.

Happy Father's Day to my DAD and HUBBY, I am so proud of both of you!

(ps. there is also a book for dad's to sons, mother's to daughters and mother's to sons...)

1 comment:

Nic said...

I will be purchasing that book!!! Love the intro.! I'm thankful everyday for the way my dad fathered me. I think when a girl grows up with a healthy relationship with her dad is eliminates so much of the typically baggage a girl carries into adulthood!! Thanks for sharing the book. If you ever have a boy I can give you a list a mile long of "boy books"! HA!