Thursday, September 16, 2010

Getting Dirty

I know the dirt on her leg and toes is nothing compared to what's to come, but it is the first time I've let her crawl around on the ground. Her bath water was grey...
I can't believe how fast she is growing up, I love every minute of it... even 'Ella, don't eat the rocks' ... that won't be the last time I say that too!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

CLothEs LiNE

I have been wanting a clothes line to hang Ella's cloth diapers.... I was sooo excited when wandering around Ikea with Dani and Ella that I found this sweet gadget for $4.99!!!
I think I'll have to get another one so I can hang both the liners and the covers.
Oh Ikea how I like you!!!