The month of December brought about a new experience of a warm winter, followed by a cold Manitoba Christmas.
The first part of the month was exciting as things at SMCC the Springs had seen great growth in November and new connections in December. Being that St. George is a retirement community we had a lot of our regular attenders head out of town yet Sunday service attendance didn't suffer as we had a lot of visitors join us throughout the month. We hope to see many of them stay connected in January.
I did forget to mention that in November we baptized three people who's lives have been changed.
Before Melissa and I headed off to Canada for Christmas I had the privilege of meeting some of our attenders from Colorado City. They are very nice people and it is enjoyable to have them at our church.
While we were in Canada, it is with great pleasure that we are able to report that we also had a very well attended Christmas Eve service. After many mailings and connections sent, we had a full crowd of around 180 in attendance. God is doing some exciting things down here in Utah!
As far as being in Canada, it was cold but nice to connect with family and friends. For those of you who we saw, it was enjoyable and thank you to those of you who have decided to support the ministry down here in Utah. This month, I hope to send you a DVD with more specifics about what is going on down here.